Higher Education Research Group of Adelaide (HERGA)

A cross-disciplinary community of educators, representing all of the South Australian universities and other members from across Australia and New Zealand, with the intention to promote high quality university learning through sharing evidence-based, practical approaches to teaching and learning.
Annual Conference

HERGA Conference Schedule

The HERGA conference schedule and abstracts are now available. Please note these will not be available in hardcopy. Please download the PDF below or view the online version HERE.


Download File

Call For Papers

The aim of the HERGA Conference series is to bring together colleagues from the higher education sector to discuss best practice and new approaches to teaching in the tertiary environment.

The conference theme for 2014 is 
Changing Horizons: Local Learning for Global Impact

The Conference is held in Adelaide.

We will explore the issue of teaching and learning across cultures and generations in a changing environment of increasing internationalisation of education and digital technologies. 
Sub themes include:

  • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
  • Generational Online behaviour
  • Retention and Well-being
  • Cultural literacy of teaching and learning
  • Building academic confidence and skills
  • Individualised learning
  • Student outcomes and Graduate attributes

Our keynote speakers this year will be Professor James Arvanitakis (University of Western Sydney ) and Dr Shanton Chang (University of Melbourne). Both are excellent public speakers who have received various teaching awards.

There will be for the first time a conference dinner and the inclusion of postgraduate work through poster presentations

Important Dates 
27th July Deadline for submissions. 
4th August Notification of acceptance 
21st September Registration Closes 
24-25th September HERGA Conference 2014 
25th September HERGA conference dinner

Registration for the conference OPEN!

Submission Details

Presentation Formats & Submission Guidelines 

Individual Papers: 30 minutes (20 mins presentation maximum; 10 mins discussion)
A submission for an individual presentation may take the form of an abstract (500 words not including references) or a full paper. Full papers will be submitted to the ERA ranked journal ergo and follow their review process. Abstracts, including those from full papers will be submitted to the HERGA conference reviewers. A book of abstracts will be published as the conference proceedings.

Panel Sessions: 60 minutes (40 mins presentation; 20 mins discussion)
Submissions for panel sessions led by presenting teams are encouraged. A panel proposal may take the form of an abstract (750 words not including references) or full paper.

Workshops: 60-180 minutes
Submissions for workshops led by presenting teams are encouraged. A workshop proposal may take the form of an abstract (750 words not including references) or full paper. Workshops will be held on the 19th of September.

Review and Publication Processes All submissions will undergo a double-blind peer review process. 
There are five review criteria, which are all weighted equally:

  • Relevance to the conference themes
  • Importance of the theme or the findings to the education/learning/teaching community
  • Clear articulation of content and conclusionsEvidence of appropriate use of the relevant literature/methods/methodologies
  • Potential for practical applications by others and/or significant theoretical implications

Please submit your abstract proposals. Please note, call for papers has now closed. https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=herga2014


HERGA Conference 2023

This year’s conference…

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